
"untiringly" in Spanish

"untiringly" in Spanish
The Commission, in its role as guardian of the Treaties, will work untiringly to that effect.
La Comisión, en su función de defensor de los Tratados, trabajará infatigablemente a tal efecto.
Mrs Gräßle has untiringly chaired many meetings of work groups.
La señora Grässle ha presidido incansablemente numerosas reuniones de los grupos de trabajo.
I was also delighted to hear the report this morning from Commissioner Nielson who has worked untiringly to get the right outcome to the negotiations.
También me ha alegrado escuchar esta mañana el informe del Comisario Nielson, que ha trabajado incansablemente para conseguir que las negociaciones llegaran a buen puerto.
incansable{adj. m/f}
wise and untiring missionary activity in Khambaliq had given rise to a numerous
de sabia e incansable actividad misionera en Khambaliq habían dado vida a
I would also like to thank the Minister for his untiring efforts to reach an agreement.
Quisiera agradecer también al Ministro sus incansables esfuerzos por alcanzar un acuerdo.
Thank you, Dr Javier Solana, for your statement but also for your untiring work and deep commitment.
Gracias, señor Solana, por sus declaraciones, pero también por su trabajo incansable y su profundo compromiso.
Mr President, I too congratulate the High Representative, Mr Solana, and Commissioner Patten for their untiring work.
Patten, por su infatigable labor.
Prior to the European Council, I was untiring in my efforts to draw attention to our great responsibility in terms of credibility.
Antes del Consejo Europeo, me mostré infatigable en mis esfuerzos por llamar la atención sobre nuestra gran responsabilidad en términos de credibilidad.

Synonyms (English) for "untiring":
Context examples for "untiringly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I have always defended press freedom at European level and I will continue - and I promise you the Commission will continue - to promote it untiringly.
Siempre he defendido la libertad de prensa a nivel europeo y seguiré -y les prometo que la Comisión seguirá- promoviéndola sin descanso.