
"infatigablemente" in English

Eso hicieron precisamente los europeos, infatigablemente y frente a toda suerte de terribles reveses.
That is precisely what Europeans did – tirelessly and in the teeth of every dreadful setback.
He de rendir homenaje a la Federación Sikh de Gran Bretaña y a la Unión Nacional de Periodistas, que han luchado infatigablemente por el Sr.
I must pay tribute to the British Sikh Federation and to the National Union of Journalists who have campaigned tirelessly on behalf of Mr Singh Johal.
Permítanme que empiece por manifestar mi especial agradecimiento a nuestro ponente, Toine Manders, que ha trabajado infatigablemente durante muchos meses para sacar adelante su informe.
Allow me first to express very special thanks to our rapporteur, Toine Manders, who has worked tirelessly for many months to produce his report.
untiringly{adv.} (work)
La Comisión, en su función de defensor de los Tratados, trabajará infatigablemente a tal efecto.
The Commission, in its role as guardian of the Treaties, will work untiringly to that effect.
infatigable{adjective masculine/feminine}
Fue su defensor infatigable, sacando las enseñanzas políticas de las catástrofes de la Segunda guerra mundial.
He was indefatigable in its defence, drawing political lessons from the catastrophic events of the Second World War.
Su labor ha sido infatigable.
He has been indefatigable.
Con ocasión de este debate he considerado que ese gran hombre de paz, peregrino infatigable, merecía que se reconociera su acción.
My feeling, on the occasion of this debate, is that it is worth paying tribute to the actions of this great man of peace, this indefatigable pilgrim.
inexhaustible{adj.} (with stamina)
tireless{adj.} (person)
Señor Presidente, en primer lugar debería agradecer al infatigable ponente su trabajo en la Carta.
Mr President, I should firstly like to thank the tireless rapporteur for his work on the Charter.
Señor Presidente, me gustaría comenzar dando las gracias al señor Comisario por la infatigable labor que realiza en este ámbito.
Mr President, I should like to begin by thanking the Commissioner for carrying out such tireless work in this area.
Savary por su labor infatigable.
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I would like once again to thank Mr Savary for his tireless work.
La defensa de nuestra libertad, por la que hemos pagado un precio tan alto, exige una constancia infatigable y medidas enérgicas y coordinadas.
Defending our dearly bought freedom demands unflagging determination and tough, coordinated measures.
Concretamente, no solo quisiera dar las gracias al Vicepresidente Miguel Ángel Martínez Martínez, sino también a los infatigables diputados de esta Cámara.
In particular, I should like to thank not only Vice-President Miguel Angel Martínez Martínez for his unflagging support but also my fellow Members in this Chamber.
unremitting{adj.} [form.] (effort)
Patten, por su infatigable labor.
Mr President, I too congratulate the High Representative, Mr Solana, and Commissioner Patten for their untiring work.
Antes del Consejo Europeo, me mostré infatigable en mis esfuerzos por llamar la atención sobre nuestra gran responsabilidad en términos de credibilidad.
Prior to the European Council, I was untiring in my efforts to draw attention to our great responsibility in terms of credibility.