
"inexhaustible" in Spanish

"inexhaustible" in Spanish
inagotable{adj. m/f}
inexhaustible mystery of Christ and of his prayer to the Father.
misterio inagotable de Cristo y de su oración al Padre.
They are a source of inexhaustible renewable energy.
Son una fuente de energía renovable inagotable.
There are still fishermen who believe that the sea remains inexhaustible.
Sigue habiendo pescadores que creen que el mar es una fuente inagotable.

Synonyms (English) for "inexhaustible":
Context examples for "inexhaustible" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
He is Person-Gift Here we have an inexhaustible treasure of the reality and an inexpressible deepening of the
Es Persona-amor. Es Persona-don. Tenemos aquí una riqueza insondable de la realidad y una
and people may approach the inexhaustible source of grace.
la fuente inextinguible de la gracia.
This capacity is not inexhaustible.
Dicha capacidad no es extensible hasta el infinito.
Drinking, eating, washing, farming - water irrigates each act of our daily life and we treat it, wrongly, as an unfailing and inexhaustible resource.
Beber, alimentarse, lavarse, cultivar...: el agua irriga cada uno de los actos de nuestra vida cotidiana.
of the Son, the gift of the Son, expresses the most profound essence of God who, as Love, is the inexhaustible source of the giving of gifts.
enseñanza a orillas del Jordán constituyen la introducción inmediata en la nueva realidad mesiánica.
his imagination is inexhaustible
su imaginación no se agosta
When, in the fifties and sixties of the last century, nuclear fission was promoted as an inexhaustible source of energy for the future, scarcely a thought was given to the waste.
Este problema sin solución de los residuos debería ser una razón convincente para abstenerse de usar la fisión nuclear.
We remain optimistic, and our Socialist Group in the European Parliament also continues to support the project, but our patience is not inexhaustible.
Seguimos siendo optimistas y el Grupo Socialista en el Parlamento Europeo también sigue apoyando el proyecto, pero nuestra paciencia no es infinita.
The Commission has an inexhaustible wealth of ideas in this respect, with which it now even appears to want to honour the OLAF Supervisory Committee.
Sin embargo, esto solo serviría para socavar aún más la independencia de la OLAF y sin duda no le acompañaremos en este precario camino, señora Comisaria.