
"unsparing" in Spanish

"unsparing" in Spanish
Let there be no shortage of criticism – unsparing criticism – of these conditions in Iran.
No escatimemos en críticas, críticas implacables, de las condiciones existentes en el Irán.
sparing(also: scant)
parca{adj. f}
moderado{adj. m}
Fortunately, we continue to be sparing users of these mechanisms.
Por fortuna, seguimos haciendo un uso moderado de esos mecanismos.
sparing(also: scant)
parco{adj. m}
to be sparing of praise
ser parco en alabanzas

Synonyms (English) for "unsparing":
Context examples for "unsparing" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I can assure you that the Commission will be unsparing in its efforts to ensure that that resolution is translated into action.
Puedo asegurarles que la Comisión no escatimará esfuerzos para que dicha resolución surta efecto.
they were unsparing with their advice
fueron pródigos en consejos
in unsparing detail
con todo lujo de detalles
I earnestly hope that your unsparing support will continue until the day when peace is settled and the first ray of unification shines over the Korean Peninsula.
Espero sinceramente que su apoyo incondicional se mantenga hasta el día en que se establezca la paz y brille el primer rayo de la unificación sobre la Península Coreana.