
"unflinchingly" in Spanish

Today we are discussing the murder of Mrs Politkovskaya, the woman who unflinchingly exposed the crimes committed against the Chechen people by the Russians.
Hoy estamos debatiendo el asesinato de la señora Politkóvskaya, la mujer que expuso resueltamente los crímenes cometidos contra el pueblo checheno por parte de los rusos.
Combating this phenomenon must be firm, far-reaching and unflinching.
La lucha contra este fenómeno debe ser firme, amplia e inquebrantable.
I wonder how it will be possible to avoid a crisis between the European Union and Ankara, which is obviously determined to continue its unflinching policy.
Me pregunto cómo será posible evitar una crisis entre la Unión Europea y Ankara, que sin duda está decidida a continuar su política inquebrantable.
On behalf of the European Parliament, I would therefore like to emphasise our unflinching commitment here to the campaign against the death penalty.
Por lo tanto, en nombre del Parlamento Europeo, quiero reiterar nuestro inquebrantable compromiso a favor de la campaña contra la pena de muerte.

Synonyms (English) for "unflinching":
Context examples for "unflinchingly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Let us follow it unflinchingly.
Sigámoslo con coherencia.
The economy is sluggish, there is massive unemployment and the euro zone is unflinchingly enduring Washington’s predatory monetary policy.
La economía anda floja, el desempleo es masivo y la zona euro sufre sin rechistar la política monetaria predadora de Washington.
The economy is sluggish, there is massive unemployment and the euro zone is unflinchingly enduring Washington’ s predatory monetary policy.
La economía anda floja, el desempleo es masivo y la zona euro sufre sin rechistar la política monetaria predadora de Washington.
In this regard, the European institutions have a responsibility that they must fulfil unflinchingly, given that the European debate is not merely a sum of national debates.
A este respecto, las instituciones europeas tienen que cumplir con una responsabilidad indeclinable, puesto que el debate europeo no es una mera suma de debates nacionales.