
"unafraid" in Spanish

"unafraid" in Spanish
sin temor{adv.}
to face sth unafraid
enfrentarse a algo sin temor
angustiada{adj. f}
This means that, day after day, the people in the region are afraid that they will be attacked again, just as we saw in the past in Sarajevo.
Eso significa que la población de allí, al igual que vimos en el pasado con la situación de Sarajevo, estará angustiada día a día por el temor de ser atacada de nuevo.
asustado{adj. m}
He was shocked and afraid, but he said, ‘ What do you expect us to do?
Estaba conmocionado y asustado, pero dijo:«¿Qué esperas que hagamos?
He was shocked and afraid, but he said, ‘What do you expect us to do?
Estaba conmocionado y asustado, pero dijo: «¿Qué esperas que hagamos?
miedoso{adj. m}
It is odd that we are so hesitant and so afraid of doing anything about the problem that we confine ourselves to dealing with just two flame retardants.
Es extraño que seamos tan indecisos y miedosos para intentar resolver estos problemas y nos limitemos a dos productos ignífugos.
Generally speaking, good news regarding employment makes the stock exchange nervous, as it makes them afraid of a rise in inflation.
En general las buenas noticias relativas al empleo vuelven a la bolsa miedosa, ya que le hacen creer que la inflación volverá a aumentar.

Synonyms (English) for "unafraid":
Context examples for "unafraid" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
to face sth unafraid
enfrentarse a algo sin temor
to be unafraid of sth
no temerle a algo