
"tiranía" in English

"tiranía" in English
Ambos están siendo aniquilados por la tiranía política del régimen de Mugabe.
Both are being devastated by the political tyranny of the Mugabe regime.
La tiranía de una minoría con derecho de veto es lo más antidemocrático que existe.
The tyranny of a veto-wielding minority is as undemocratic as it gets.
Johnson hizo hace poco una verdadera crítica contra la tiranía de Mugabe.
Johnson recently levelled ultimate criticism of Mugabe's tyranny.

Context examples for "tiranía" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ambos dijeron que la libertad de expresión es el único derecho que separa la libertad de la tiranía.
I would insist, one of them was opening up the light and the other was enduring the shadows.
El comunismo se describe como una tiranía y el matrimonio es por fin la unión entre una mujer y un hombre.
Communism is described as a tyrant, and marriage is at last a union between a woman and a man.
– Señor Presidente, Zimbabue es tierra de tragedia y es tierra de tiranía.
I would ask that you have this information verified and, if it proves to be accurate, protest to the Russian authorities about this.
la ambición ejerce una tiranía implacable
ambition is an exacting taskmaster
liberó al país de la tiranía
he freed the country from tyranny
Y no debemos subestimar la enorme contribución de ciertos personajes clave, personas resueltas como Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan y el Papa Juan Pablo II, al derrumbe de la tiranía soviética.
While the Resolution has many positive points, for which I voted in favour, there are significant omissions and false emphases.
– Señor Presidente, el 1 de mayo de 2004 significará por fin el final de la guerra fría y sellará la reunificación de un continente que no pudimos proteger de la tiranía comunista.
It is perhaps this very point, among others, that I find lacking in Romania, and many speakers, including those who spoke this morning have already addressed this.
Actuando de otro modo nos arriesgamos a liberar de la lámpara el genio rojo y negro del populismo y el nacionalismo, que solo deparó tiranía y pobreza a este continente.
We cannot allow a situation to develop in which, as one economist was quoted today as saying, ‘ the Services Directive could end up as a good example of “ death by Parliament”’.
La antigua Primer Ministra y actual líder de la oposición, Benazir Bhutto, ha advertido que esto puede conducir a una tiranía islámica totalitaria comparable con el vecino Afganistán.
Former Prime Minister and present opposition leader Benazir Bhutto has warned that it could lead to a totalitarian Islamic regime comparable to that in neighbouring Afghanistan.
En contraposición a lo que ocurrió ayer en la Comisión de Libertades y Derechos de los Ciudadanos, Justicia y Asuntos Interiores, no hablan de censura ni de tiranía de los medios de comunicación.
A reform bill is on the point of being passed, a reform that the Italian left never had the courage or even the ability to propose during their seven years in government.