
"totalitarismo" in English

"totalitarismo" in English
(IT) Señor Presidente, el totalitarismo soviético no solo encarceló personas.
(IT) Mr President, Soviet totalitarianism did not only imprisoned people.
Debemos tener cuidado de que esto no sea un primer paso hacia el totalitarismo.
We should be careful it is not the first step towards totalitarianism.
El totalitarismo del nacionalsocialismo llevó a toda Europa a la ruina.
National Socialist totalitarianism led the whole of Europe into ruination.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "totalitarismo":
Context examples for "totalitarismo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La libertad, el respeto y la tolerancia han derrotado a las fuerzas del totalitarismo.
It would then be possible to offer even more hope of greatness to the citizens of Europe.
Dichas medidas son antidemocráticas y arrogantes y se acercan peligrosamente al totalitarismo.
This Group and Parliament will play a full part in fostering such a convention.
¿Estará emergiendo una nueva forma de totalitarismo contra Gobiernos democráticamente elegidos?
As such they are responsible to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
El totalitarismo del nacionalsocialismo llevó a toda Europa a la ruina.
Let us therefore remember today that appalling war and its consequences.
Gracias a ellos pudieron romperse las cadenas del totalitarismo comunista, empezando por Polonia.
They have been advocated in a particularly charismatic manner by Pope John Paul II.
democracia, a pesar de sus reglas, va por un camino de totalitarismo
contradicting its own principles, effectively moves towards a form of
Europa estaba dividida, y Europa Oriental había sido empujada a los brazos del totalitarismo estalinista.
In order to do so, there are certain issues about which we must speak quite frankly.
Pero ellos no son las únicas víctimas del totalitarismo.
The latter is not the only victim of totalitarian governments, however.
Siguen existiendo numerosas preguntas sin respuesta en torno a la existencia de este tipo de regímenes y de totalitarismo.
Yet the tragic fate facing thousands of the country ’ s citizens is being covered up.
Sin embargo, Alemania experimentó tanto el nacionalsocialismo con toda su barbarie, como el totalitarismo comunista.
Kolima, the that demonstrated what the most barbaric political ideology is capable of doing.
La nueva Europa significa supervivencia, porque rechaza toda forma de totalitarismo.
Mr President, it was with much conviction that I voted in favour of the resolution, and hence of the Constitutional Treaty.
Esta Europa se creó para evitar para siempre el resurgimiento del totalitarismo, ya sea de izquierdas o de derechas.
In 1933, my father was a lawyer; he defended the Red Assistance and he should have been arrested.
Hago un llamamiento a que se siga investigando la verdad sobre el totalitarismo, no importa de qué ideología.
Today we would like to reveal the whole truth about the Second World War, regardless of its unpalatability to any of the parties involved.
Por tanto, creo que este estudio ha de ser de muy amplio alcance, y claramente, no debe pasar por alto ninguna forma de totalitarismo.
I therefore believe that this study must be very broad in scope and clearly should not disregard any form of totalitarism.
Europa debe comprender inexcusablemente que en Estonia han chocado dos ideologías: la democracia occidental y el viejo totalitarismo soviético.
Europe absolutely must understand that in Estonia there was a clash between Western democracy and the old Soviet totalitarian ideologies.
Entonces, contemplemos esta Constitución como una mano tendida a los pueblos que se han unido de nuevo a nosotros, ahora que la negra noche del totalitarismo ha concluido.
If you re-read the text on which we shall vote tomorrow, you will notice that it takes up a number of elements of that old text.
Tras la convulsión que desmanteló el totalitarismo de nuestro continente en 1989, supone un importante y necesario mensaje a todo el mundo.
What would be of great significance is the message that must be given to all who are in need of it following the 1989 earthquake which demolished integration on our continent.
La cultura de los derechos humanos se basa en la lucha contra el autoritarismo, el totalitarismo y las dictaduras, y no debemos cejar en esta lucha.
Funding is one part of that and I am pleased to report that a range of projects with the office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights are in the pipeline this year.
Recordando a las víctimas del totalitarismo en Europa, estoy agradecido a todos los que han contribuido al movimiento democrático europeo.
It smiled when the Berlin Wall fell, when human dignity was returned to the people of the new democracies, and when we were building an independent and democratic Slovenian State.
Se trata de una ampliación del Gran Hermano y supone una prueba más del desastroso declive de la democracia en Europa provocado por el creciente totalitarismo de la Unión Europea.
This is Big Brother writ large and provides even more evidence of the disastrous decline of democracy in Europe generated by this increasingly totalitarian European Union.