
"autoritarismo" in English

"autoritarismo" in English
En Rusia hay unas instituciones débiles por ese mismo autoritarismo.
Some institutions in Russia are weak as a result of that same authoritarianism.
El aumento del autoritarismo está alcanzando dimensiones preocupantes.
The increase in authoritarianism is reaching worrying proportions.
Esto es muy significativo acerca de su autoritarismo y su desprecio hacia la gente y los países.
This says a lot about its authoritarianism and its contempt for people and countries.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "autoritarismo":
Context examples for "autoritarismo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
en una sociedad democrática no cabe el autoritarismo
there is no place for authoritarianism in a democratic society
Ha mantenido una Constitución adoptada en 1982, durante el régimen militar, que sigue marcada por el sello del autoritarismo.
It is true that Turkey has not always had a coherent framework enabling it to guarantee political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights.
Pueden hacer que los distintos pueblos traten de instaurar un régimen cuyo autoritarismo se dirija contra los que consideran sus oponentes.
That is why I believe that – especially in the light of events in its neighbour, Ukraine – we must offer Moldova a clearer perspective.
El golpista Roberto Micheletti ha proseguido con sus actividades ilegales y el autoritarismo y ha formado su propio Gobierno de unidad nacional.
By forming his own government of national unity, the putschist Roberto Micheletti has persisted in his illegal and authoritarian activities.
La cultura de los derechos humanos se basa en la lucha contra el autoritarismo, el totalitarismo y las dictaduras, y no debemos cejar en esta lucha.
Funding is one part of that and I am pleased to report that a range of projects with the office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights are in the pipeline this year.
Venga Turquía al seno de la Unión, pero dejando a la puerta la violencia, el quebrantamiento de la legalidad internacional, el autoritarismo.
Yes, Turkey should become a member of the Union but it should leave violence, unlawfulness and autocracy outside Europe' s door and enter in peace and democracy.
Estamos en contra de esta UE, órgano del imperialismo y del gran capital, estamos en contra del retroceso que esta UE, con el autoritarismo que la distingue, supone para la democracia.
We are opposed to this EU, this lackey of imperialism and big business, and we are opposed to the reversal which this autocracy means for democracy.
Es esencial que el gobierno de transición celebre elecciones cuanto antes, de forma que el país pueda dejar atrás el autoritarismo e iniciar un gobierno democrático estable.
It is essential that the transitional government organises elections as soon as possible, so that the country can move from authoritarian rule to stable democratic government.