
"dictadura" in English

"dictadura" in English
Es hora de acabar con la dictadura fiscal de los Estados sobre los contribuyentes.
It is time to do away with the Member States' fiscal dictatorship over taxpayers!
Me han amenazado, afirmando que Hungría va camino de convertirse en una dictadura.
You threatened me, claiming that Hungary was moving towards becoming a dictatorship.
El sistema peruano se asemeja cada vez más a una dictadura militar.
The Peruvian system is increasingly coming to resemble a military dictatorship.

Context examples for "dictadura" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Se está preparando un referendo para permitirle prorrogar su dictadura.
Now the whole democratic world has received a provocation from Mr Lukashenko.
presunción mundana, de cualquier dictadura política, de toda
considered a protest against every worldly presumption, against every
Su objetivo es una sociedad más abierta y rechazan abiertamente la dictadura existente en cuestiones religiosas.
They pursue a more open society and openly denounce coercion in religious matters.
Tras eliminar la abrazadera opresiva de la dictadura, Iraq ha reventado como una presa resquebrajada.
When your friend's house is burning down, you do not stop to argue over who dropped the match.
En este país existen aún heridas abiertas desde los tiempos de la dictadura del general Pincochet.
Despite that there are still open wounds which have existed since the time of President Pinochet.
Ha de saberse que las inversiones en Birmania constituyen un apoyo directo a la dictadura militar.
People must understand that investing in Burma amounts to direct support for the military regime.
Lo que es peor todavía es que se trata de una dictadura hereditaria, donde el poder pasa de padres a hijos.
Even worse is the fact that it is a tyranny where power is handed down from father to son.
Señora Presidenta, Corea del Norte cumple con todos los requisitos clásicos para poder ser llamada una dictadura.
Madam President, North Korea fulfils all the classic requirements to be called a tyranny.
México no es una dictadura, sino una democracia.
We are debating individual cases of serious humans rights violations.
Señor Presidente,¿hemos pensado que los jóvenes que nacieron después de la dictadura no tienen aún la mayoría de edad?
Unfortunately, even the credibility of the present Member States suffers on this issue.
el engranaje de destrucción montado por la dictadura
the mechanism of destruction established under the dictatorship
De lo contrario, nos enfrentaremos a una situación de dictadura e injusticia, y no deberíamos consentir eso.
Otherwise we will be facing a situation of diktat and injustice, and we should not consent to that.
Sin embargo, otra nefasta dictadura esperaba a la otra mitad de Europa con no menos sufrimiento y destrucción.
Let me quote her: ‘ It meant slavery, it meant occupation, it meant submission and Stalinist terror’.
Por supuesto que es una vergüenza que nuestro vecino más cercano en Europa sea una dictadura comunista.
This means that Lukashenko can remain where he is, while his people become ever poorer and ever more isolated.
– Señor Presidente, Belarús es un país especial: la última dictadura de Europa.
The latest Commission competition has raised the doubts that are set out in the most recent question to the Commission tabled today.
Parece que querían oír cada vez menos sobre las atrocidades de la dictadura comunista.
Nevertheless, we, the nations freed from Soviet occupation a decade ago, find no compassion when it comes to our recent history.
el aparato represivo montado por la dictadura
the machinery of repression set up under the dictatorship
Esta carta insta a la Unión Europea a que no haga concesiones a la dictadura de Castro a cambio de beneficios comerciales.
For decades, Cuba has suffered from a ferocious economic blockade imposed by the US administration.
No se puede vivir bajo una dictadura criminal aunque quisiéramos que Kosovo siguiera formando parte de Yugoslavia.
You should not have to live under a criminal dictator, even if we do want Kosovo to remain part of Yugoslavia.
durante la dictadura nos comían el coco a todos
during the dictatorship we were all brainwashed