
"to swear at" in Spanish

"to swear at" in Spanish
garabatear{v.t.} [Chile] (insultar)

Similar translations for "to swear at" in Spanish
Context examples for "to swear at" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
You say that you are against war, but you would not be the first warmonger to swear that.
Dice que está en contra de la guerra, pero usted no será el único belicista en afirmarlo.
My colleagues swear to me that the country of origin principle is implicit in the compromise text.
Mis colegas me juran que el principio del país de origen está implícito en el texto de compromiso.
They swear by their strongest oath, "Allah will not raise up him who dies.
Pues ahora, juran por Dios con sus juramentos más solemnes: “¡Jamás resucitará Dios a alguien que haya muerto!
I swear by (or call to witness) those who tear out to destruction,
¡Considera esos [astros] que ascienden para luego ponerse,
The European Union continues to swear by the policy of uncritically increasing growth in GDP.
La Unión Europea continúa teniendo una fe ciega en la política de aumentar el crecimiento del PIB ciegamente.
I swear by (or call to witness) the emissary winds sent one after another for men's benefit,
¡Considera estos [mensajes,] enviados en oleadas
I swear by all that's holy, I never touched a hair of her head
juro por lo más sagrado que no le puse un dedo encima
(I swear) By the wind that scatters far and wide,
¡Considera los vientos que arrastran el polvo por todas partes,
I swear by (or call to witness) the self-accusing soul.
¡Juro por la voz acusadora en la conciencia del hombre
(I swear) By the star when it sets.
¡Considera este despliegue [del mensaje de Dios], a medida que desciende!
I swear by the setting (or falling or fading) of stars;.
¡Juro por el descenso [de este Qur’án] en partes --
I swear by those who draw themselves out in ranks.
Considera estos [mensajes] alineados en filas apretadas,
They swear by Allah with their most solemn oath that had you ordered them they would surely go forth.
Di: "Obedeced a Dios, y obedeced al Enviado.
I swear by the glorious Quran (that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
¡Considerad este sublime Qur’án!
(I swear) By the Quran, full of Zikr (remembrance in reverence and praising Allah, admonition, reciting, teaching, giving the message).
¡Considera este Qur’án, que contiene todo cuanto uno debiera tener presente!
I swear by (or call to witness) the Lord of all points of the rising and setting places East and West that We are certainly Able.
¡Juro por el Sustentador de todos los ortos y los ocasos del sol: en verdad, somos capaces
They will swear by Allah unto you when you have returned to them, that you may leave them alone.
Cuando hayáis vuelto a ellos, [Oh creyentes,] os jurarán por Dios, [reiterando sus excusas,] para que los dejéis tranquilos.
I thought I heard a sound, but I couldn't swear to it
me pareció oír un ruido, pero no podría jurarlo
Many people swear by these natural products, whether they are Chinese ginseng root or Indian tea tree oil.
Mucha gente cree ciegamente en estos productos naturales, ya sea el ginseng chino o el aceite de árbol de té indio.
I swear by the Quran full of wisdom
ciertamente, tú eres en verdad uno de los mensajeros de Dios,