
"sin remedio" in English

"sin remedio" in English
sin remedio{adjective}
incorrigible{adj.} (romantic, optimist)
incurable{adj.} (optimist, romantic)

Similar translations for "sin remedio" in English
Context examples for "sin remedio" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El Presidente Prodi tiene razón: una Constitución inflexible fracasaría sin remedio.
President Prodi is right: an inflexible Constitution would inevitably fail.
Una Unión que resulta incapaz para tener en cuenta un simple cambio de dirección está estructuralmente, y sin remedio, superada.
A Union which cannot even keep up with a change of address is structurally hopelessly out of date.
Pero es posible que yo sea un optimista sin remedio.
But perhaps I am a hopeless optimist.
Este informe es una oda a la competencia libre y sin distorsiones como remedio infalible contra la crisis financiera.
This report is an ode to the free and undistorted competition that it holds up as an infallible remedy against the financial crisis.
es un baquetón sin remedio
he couldn't care less about anything
Sé que estamos preparados para poner remedio, sin embargo, debemos procurar acelerar este proceso.
I know there is a directive on the way and that we are prepared to do something about this, but we must ensure we move the process on.
Milosevic podría compararse a lo que en Italia se llama un Pinocho, o sea, un mentiroso, un mentiroso sin remedio, como ha ocurrido en el pasado.
Milosevic could be compared to the personality we in Italy call Pinocchio, meaning a liar, an out and out liar, as occurred in the past.
La Unión se convertirá en un fracaso, aunque los mayores perdedores serán los Estados miembros y nuestros ciudadanos y acabaremos sin remedio al margen de la historia.
The Union will be the loser, but the biggest losers will be the Member States and our citizens, and we will all inevitably end up on the sidelines of history.
Estos debates periódicos sobre las grandes cuestiones europeas terminarían sin remedio sin que yo consiga ver en ello ninguna utilidad o ventaja: muy al contrario.
These regular debates on major European issues will come to a ruinous end without the least profit or advantage being drawn from it, as far as I can see. To my mind, the opposite is the case.