
"sin moverse" in English

"sin moverse" in English
sin moverse{adjective}
estaba tendida en el suelo sin moverse
she lay motionless on the floor

Context examples for "sin moverse" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Quizás esté en el aeropuerto de Bruselas sin poder moverse.
Perhaps she is stuck at Brussels airport.
se estuvo horas ahí sentado sin moverse
he remained sitting there for hours without moving
Simplemente supone que todos los ciudadanos usan Internet y pueden moverse sin dificultad en el sitio web de la UE.
It simply assumes that all citizens use the Internet and can find their way around the EU website without difficulty.
se estuvo horas ahí sentado sin moverse
he sat there for hours without moving
estaba tendida en el suelo sin moverse
she lay motionless on the floor
estuvo un mes en cama sin moverse
he was flat on his back for a month
estaba tendido sin moverse
he lay still
Ojalá la Comisión Europea deje finalmente de parecer un coro de la ópera china cantando «huyamos, huyamos» durante tres actos completos sin moverse de su sitio ni un centímetro.
Let the European Commission finally stop resembling a Chinese opera chorus, which sings ‘Let us flee, let us flee’ for three whole acts, but does not budge an inch.
Ojalá la Comisión Europea deje finalmente de parecer un coro de la ópera china cantando« huyamos, huyamos» durante tres actos completos sin moverse de su sitio ni un centímetro.
Let the European Commission finally stop resembling a Chinese opera chorus, which sings ‘ Let us flee, let us flee ’ for three whole acts, but does not budge an inch.
Es consciente de que Dios le ha colocado ahí y no osa moverse; mira sin decir palabra a todos los que acuden junto al niño y siente que los acontecimientos le superan ¡Qué importa!
He understands that God put him there and he does not dare to move. He looks to all the visitors coming to see the baby; he does not seem to understand what is going on.