
"motionless" in Spanish

"motionless" in Spanish
quietecito{adj. m} [coll.]
quietecita{adj. f} [coll.]
she lay motionless on the floor
estaba tendida en el suelo sin moverse
inerte{adj.} [poet.]

Synonyms (English) for "motionless":
Context examples for "motionless" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
On the hot days in Denmark, where I live, I looked at our many windmills and saw that they were motionless.
Durante la ola de calor en Dinamarca, donde vivo, observé nuestros numerosos molinos de viento y pude ver que no se movían.
she lay motionless on the floor
estaba tendida en el suelo sin moverse
Having said all this, Mr President, Parliament cannot remain motionless, for the reasons that have already been outlined.
Dicho todo eso, señor Presidente, este Parlamento no se puede quedar parado. Y no se puede quedar parado por las razones que ya se han apuntado.
Mr President, consensus is a good thing when it results in progress, but not when we remain motionless in the face of problems, and we have many problems to solve.
Señor Presidente, el consenso es bueno cuando se alcanza para avanzar, no a costa de quedarse parados frente a los problemas, y tenemos muchos problemas que resolver.