
"silba" in English

empecé a silbar para darme ánimos
I began to whistle to keep my spirits up
Ahora oímos el silbato de la media parte, pero sospecho que el señor Barroso no es un hombre que escuche a quienes silban.
Now we hear the half-time whistle, but I suspect Mr Barroso is not a man to listen to whistle-blowers.
A pesar de ello, los gobiernos europeos silban al aire e ignoran a las 20 000 personas que se amontonan en Lampedusa, en unas condiciones infrahumanas.
Despite this, European governments have chosen to whistle in the wind and ignore the 20 000 people amassing in Lampedusa in sub-human conditions.
to fizzle[fizzled · fizzled] {v.i.} (make hissing sound)
to hiss[hissed · hissed] {v.i.} (person, crowd)
to hiss[hissed · hissed] {v.i.} (machine, steam)
to sing[sang · sung] {v.i.} (wind, kettle)
silbar(also: pitar)
to toot[tooted · tooted] {v.i.} (whistle)
to zing {v.i.} [coll.] (bullet)
silbar[silbando · silbado] {transitive verb}
empecé a silbar para darme ánimos
I began to whistle to keep my spirits up
Ahora oímos el silbato de la media parte, pero sospecho que el señor Barroso no es un hombre que escuche a quienes silban.
Now we hear the half-time whistle, but I suspect Mr Barroso is not a man to listen to whistle-blowers.
A pesar de ello, los gobiernos europeos silban al aire e ignoran a las 20 000 personas que se amontonan en Lampedusa, en unas condiciones infrahumanas.
Despite this, European governments have chosen to whistle in the wind and ignore the 20 000 people amassing in Lampedusa in sub-human conditions.
empecé a silbar para darme ánimos
I began to whistle to keep my spirits up
Ahora oímos el silbato de la media parte, pero sospecho que el señor Barroso no es un hombre que escuche a quienes silban.
Now we hear the half-time whistle, but I suspect Mr Barroso is not a man to listen to whistle-blowers.
A pesar de ello, los gobiernos europeos silban al aire e ignoran a las 20 000 personas que se amontonan en Lampedusa, en unas condiciones infrahumanas.
Despite this, European governments have chosen to whistle in the wind and ignore the 20 000 people amassing in Lampedusa in sub-human conditions.

Context examples for "silba" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
les silba a todas las chicas
he whistles at all the girls
el público armó una silba
the audience hissed and booed