
"resquebrajar" in English

"resquebrajar" in English
resquebrajar{transitive verb}
to crack[cracked · cracked] {v.t.} (ground, earth)
Estamos procurando resquebrajar el código de derechos protectores de las compañías, pero créanme que no es cosa fácil.
We are trying to crack the code of protective rights for the companies but it is not easy.
Cualquier otra solución habría resquebrajado el fuerte apoyo de la UE a la Corte Penal Internacional y habría debilitado a la Corte.
Any other solution would have caused cracks to appear in the EU's strong support for the Criminal Court and would have weakened the Court.
Los Estados miembros no pertenecientes a la zona del euro ven con asombro cómo la zona del euro se resquebraja en todos los frentes.
Member States outside the euro area watch in astonishment as the euro area cracks on all fronts.

Context examples for "resquebrajar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Estamos procurando resquebrajar el código de derechos protectores de las compañías, pero créanme que no es cosa fácil.
We are trying to crack the code of protective rights for the companies but it is not easy.
Mucha gente teme que van a llegar más y más solicitantes de asilo y que van a resquebrajar nuestro deteriorado sistema de bienestar.
Many people are afraid that asylum seekers are arriving in greater numbers, straining our buckling welfare systems.