
"religiousness" in Spanish

religiosidad{f} (cualidad)
Firstly, the opposite principle to secularism is not religiousness and still less spirituality.
En primer lugar, el principio opuesto a la secularidad no es la religiosidad y menos aún la espiritualidad.
On the other hand, there is dislike, and even hostility, especially from many Left-wing Members, to American policy, to American religiousness, and to American capitalism.
Por otra parte, no gusta, e incluso existe hostilidad, especialmente entre muchos diputados de izquierda, hacia la política, la religiosidad y el capitalismo americanos.
The preamble of the text acknowledges Europe's religious inheritance.
El preámbulo del texto reconoce el legado religioso europeo.
nevertheless characterised by particular traits of their religious or
peculiares de su estado de vida religioso o consagrado.
talk, nor vague religious sentiment, but new life in Christ instilled by
la fe no es un discurso abstracto ni un vago sentimiento religioso, sino
of the gift of being called to the priesthood and the religious life, which the
el don de la llamada al sacerdocio y a la vida religiosa, que tanto
Regrettably, no part of the world is spared from the scourge of religious intolerance.
Lamentablemente, ninguna región del planeta se libra de la plaga de la intolerancia religiosa.
Before the vote on the resolution on religious freedom in China
Antes de la votación sobre la libertad religiosa en China
religioso{adj. m}
Religious fanaticism there is recruiting numerous reserves of fighters.
El fanatismo religioso está reclutando numerosas reservas de militantes.
ancestors and community traditions, the religious sense of life and death as
sentido religioso de la vida y de la muerte, que se expresa en celebraciones
Sometimes the disputes and conflicts which ensue take on a religious character.
A veces las disputas y los conflictos que derivan de ellas toman un matiz religioso.

Synonyms (English) for "religiousness":