
"relentless pursuit" in Spanish

"relentless pursuit" in Spanish

Similar translations for "relentless pursuit" in Spanish
Context examples for "relentless pursuit" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Such a relentless pursuit in spite of all the evidence would be laughable if it were not so serious.
Esta implacable búsqueda a pesar de todas las evidencias sería cómica si no fuera tan grave.
The report's lack of realism and its relentless pursuit of ideas despite the evidence are frightening.
La falta de realismo y la huida hacia adelante del informe dan miedo.
I want to pay tribute to her relentless pursuit of truth.
Quiero rendir homenaje a su incansable búsqueda de la verdad.
We have seen in recent times how the relentless pursuit of profit has brought the global economy to its knees.
Recientemente hemos observado cómo el afán incesante de lucro ha puesto en la cuerda floja a la economía mundial.
Nevertheless, economists, governments and the European Commission continue their relentless pursuit of ever more liberalism.
Sin embargo, los economistas, los gobiernos y la Comisión Europea siguen huyendo hacia adelante rumbo a un liberalismo cada vez mayor?
In the relentless pursuit of stablisation policies, does the Commission not glimpse the danger of throwing the baby out with the bathwater?
En la búsqueda encarnizada de las políticas de saneamiento,¿no percibe la Comisión el riesgo de matar al enfermo de tanto pretender cuidarlo bien?
In the relentless pursuit of stablisation policies, does the Commission not glimpse the danger of throwing the baby out with the bathwater?
En la búsqueda encarnizada de las políticas de saneamiento, ¿no percibe la Comisión el riesgo de matar al enfermo de tanto pretender cuidarlo bien?