
"regalado" in English

easy-peasy{adj.} [Brit.] [coll.]
el examen estuvo regalado
the exam was really easy
La nueva vida humana que nace de la unión entre el hombre y la mujer la veo como un regalo único de Dios.
I see the new human life which originates in the conjunction between man and women as a unique gift from God.
No podría haber un regalo mejor para mi generación, tanto aquí como en Hungría.
There could be no finer gift for my generation here and in Hungary.
Es un regalo que nos han hecho las generaciones anteriores, nuestros antepasados.
It is a gift from previous generations, from our forefathers.
to bargain away {vb} (rights, independence)
to give[gave · given] {v.t.} (to make a gift of)
Les voy a regalar un Reglamento glosado por mí mismo para que lo recuerden.
I am going to give you a version of the Rules of Procedure as explained by me so that you remember.
No tenemos dinero para regalar.
We do not have money to give away.
Hoy en día, no solamente consiste en regalar flores a las mujeres que conocemos.
Nowadays, it is not only a matter of giving flowers to women we know.
regalar[regalando · regalado] {transitive verb}
No tenemos dinero para regalar.
We do not have money to give away.
El regalo era la papeleta de voto en la que se preguntaba si deseaban aprobar el Tratado de Lisboa.
The give-away was the ballot paper which asked whether they wanted to approve the Lisbon Treaty.

Context examples for "regalado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Permítanme ser totalmente claro en este punto: La UE no ha regalado nada aquí.
Let me be quite clear on this point: the EU has not given anything away here!
Chirac dijo que Dublín nos había regalado la imagen de una nueva Europa.
Mr Chirac said that Dublin had given us an image of a new Europe.
En nuestra economía el dinero se le ha regalado a quienes son responsables de la burbuja financiera.
The money in our economy has been gifted to those responsible for the financial bubble.
Una vez más, pagan los contribuyentes, las personas a las que no se les ha regalado nada.
Again, the bill is being footed by the taxpayer, by the people who are not getting any free gifts.
Cuando alguien siempre recibe dinero regalado, su espíritu se agudiza volviéndose más inventivo.
Whenever someone is given money, his human spirit becomes inventive.
cómpralo si quieres, pero yo no lo querría ni regalado
buy it if you want to, I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole myself
si usted quiere devolver un obsequio a quien se lo ha regalado
if you wish to return a present to the giver …
no vale nada, nadie lo va a querer ni regalado
it's worthless, you can't even give it away
a caballo regalado no se le miran los dientes
don't look a gift horse in the mouth
¡A caballo regalado no le mires el dentado!
Do not look gift horses in the mouth!
El respeto del Consejo por los procedimientos democráticos normales no nos vendrá regalado, tendremos que luchar por ello.
The Council is obviously not going to volunteer respect for normal democratic procedures, we shall have to fight for it.
a caballo regalado no le mires los dientes
don't look a gift horse in the mouth
le ha regalado cada cosa más preciosa …
he's given her such lovely things
todo lo que tengo es regalado
everything I have has been given to me
no lo quiero ni regalado
I wouldn't want it if she gave it to me
Ayer nos habríamos podido ahorrar el informe Lannoye sobre el chocolate si los mejicanos no nos hubiesen regalado en el pasado el cacao.
We might have been able to dispense with the Lannoye report on chocolate yesterday had Mexico not given us cocoa in the past.
el examen estuvo regalado
the exam was really easy
Más allá, en el suroeste de Francia, mis padres aprovechaban la suave luz de la lámpara de petróleo que yo les había regalado un día.
Further south-west, in France, my parents spent many days in the dim light of the petroleum lamp which I had given to them once as a present.
el examen estuvo regalado
the exam was a cinch
está regalado
it's a doddle