
"punctured" in Spanish

I got a puncture and unfortunately there is not enough hot air in Strasbourg to keep things going!
Se me ha pinchado una rueda y lamentablemente no hay suficiente aire caliente en Estrasburgo para que las cosas funcionen.
poncharse {vb} [Mex.] (balón)

Context examples for "punctured" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
They could lead to increased bacteria levels if punctured and would increase costs for transporters.
Podrían conducir a niveles más altos de bacterias en caso de punturas, e incrementaría los costes para los transportistas.
punctured lung
pulmón perforado
Needlestick injuries occur when the skin is accidentally punctured with a needle that is potentially contaminated with a patient's blood.
Las heridas causadas por agujas de jeringuillas ocurren cuando la piel se pincha de forma accidental con una jeringuilla que puede estar contaminada por la sangre de un paciente.