
"public corporation" in Spanish

"public corporation" in Spanish

Context examples for "public corporation" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
SNCF is an example of a public corporation with its own statute and considerable internal autonomy.
La SNCF es un ejemplo de empresa pública con estatuto propio y con una autonomía interna considerable.
The rapporteur for the Federal Constitutional Court was the head of Norddeutsche Rundfunk, a public television corporation.
El ponente del Tribunal Constitucional federal era director de la radiotelevisión del norte.
The rapporteur for the Federal Constitutional Court was the head of Norddeutsche Rundfunk , a public television corporation.
El ponente del Tribunal Constitucional federal era director de la radiotelevisión del norte.
public service corporation
empresa de servicios públicos
So it is that Flanders’ only opposition party is formally denied access to the public broadcasting corporation and gagged in the best tradition of the former East Germany.
Jamás se había visto en la Unión Europea tamaña muestra de servilismo y adulación corrupta a la clase dirigentepor parte de unos periodistas pagados con fondos públicos.
So it is that Flanders’ only opposition party is formally denied access to the public broadcasting corporation and gagged in the best tradition of the former East Germany.
Con lo cual se está negando formalmente el acceso a la televisión pública al único partido de la oposición de Flandes y se lo está amordazando al mejor estilo de la antigua Alemania oriental.