
"primera base" in English

"primera base" in English
primera base{masculine}
primera base{feminine}
first base{noun} [sports] [Amer.]

Context examples for "primera base" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Deseamos ahora un acuerdo en primera lectura sobre la base de este compromiso.
We now want an agreement at first reading on the basis of this compromise.
Velaremos también por que constituya una primera base de negociación con otros países de América Latina.
We will also ensure that this constitutes a starting point for negotiations with other countries in Latin America.
Lo que el Parlamento ha logrado en esta primera lectura creará una base firme para las siguientes fases de examen.
The result achieved now by Parliament during the first reading will provide an extremely solid basis for the subsequent readings.
El propósito del informe era ofrecer una primera base orientativa de discusión para la reformulación de la política pesquera.
The idea of this report was to present some suggestions as an initial basis for discussion on reformulating a fisheries policy.
Con el Tratado de Niza, que como es sabido no ha entrado todavía en vigor, se aporta por primera vez base jurídica para ello.
It is, of course, only with the Treaty of Nice which, it will be recalled, has not yet come into force, that a legal basis has been furnished.
Efectivamente, tenemos una primera lectura del Consejo, esta es nuestra primera lectura y deseamos con vehemencia llegar a un resultado tomando como base nuestra primera lectura.
We have had a first reading in the Council, this is our first reading, and we should very much like to conclude matters on the basis of this first reading.
Al haber decidido la Comisión no poner obstáculos a la adopción del reglamento en primera lectura sobre la base de este texto de compromiso, ésta acepta esas enmiendas.
Since the Commission has decided not to obstruct the adoption of the regulation at first reading on the basis of this compromise text, it will accept these amendments.
Pronto debería desembocar en el establecimiento de una primera base para una mejor coordinación y no dejaré de mantener informados de ello a Sus Señorías.
The hope is that it will shortly result in the establishment of an initial basis for improved coordination, and I shall be sure to keep you informed of the developments that occur in this field.