
"militar retirada" in English

"militar retirada" in English

Context examples for "militar retirada" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La retirada militar de Chechenia sería un precedente considerado peligroso.
Military withdrawal from Chechnya was seen as a dangerous precedent.
Esto supone un primer paso hacia la retirada militar, que tendría que haberse producido hace años.
This represents a first step towards the military withdrawal that should have taken place years ago.
Creo que lo más importante que tenemos que hacer es presionar para que haya una retirada militar de Hebrón.
I believe that the most important thing that we have got to do is push to make sure that there is redeployment from Hebron.
No puede haber una retirada militar duradera de Afganistán a no ser que esté en marcha un marco civil para la estabilidad.
There can be no lasting military withdrawal from Afghanistan unless a civil framework for stability is in place.
Al organizar la retirada militar del Líbano, Siria ha dado un primer paso positivo hacia la aplicación de la Resolución 1559 del Consejo de las Naciones Unidas.
By arranging the military withdrawal from Lebanon, Syria has taken a first positive step towards implementing Resolution 1559 of the United Nations Security Council.