
"merchant vessel" in Spanish

"merchant vessel" in Spanish

Similar translations for "merchant vessel" in Spanish
Context examples for "merchant vessel" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It was registered as a merchant marine vessel and then given a fishing licence.
Fue registrado como buque de la marina mercante y más tarde obtuvo una licencia de pesca.
There are other types of merchant vessel, apart from the oil tankers in the news, which are in a deplorable condition.
Además de los petroleros, de siniestra actualidad, otros tipos de barcos mercantes se encuentran en un estado deplorable.
There are other types of merchant vessel, apart from the oil tankers in the news, which are in a deplorable condition.
. (FR) Además de los petroleros, de siniestra actualidad, otros tipos de barcos mercantes se encuentran en un estado deplorable.