
"matea" in English

"matea" in English
matear{intransitive verb}
mate{adjective masculine/feminine}
Mateo{proper noun}
swot{noun} [Brit.] [coll.]
matear[mateando · mateado] {intransitive verb}
checkmate{noun} (chess)
Un jaque mate se produce cuando una pieza enemiga atrapa al rey y éste no tiene escapatoria posible.
A checkmate occurs when the king is trapped by an enemy piece with no available escape route.
En este juego, esto se conoce como jaque mate.
In the game, this is known as a checkmate.
Lo interesante es que las peligrosas bacterias no se destruyen, que con este remedio no sufren un jaque mate.
What is interesting is that dangerous bacteria are not on the retreat as a result and are not checkmated over the long term by this medicine.
mate{noun} (chess)
Señor Mate, estamos hablando de dieciocho meses -el período máximo de internamiento-, no de seis meses, como ha dicho.
Mr Mate, we are talking about 18 months - the maximum detention period - not 6 months, as you said.
Como acaba de decir el señor Mate, aún no disponemos de los acuerdos de aplicación, de modo que resulta difícil evaluarlos.
As Mr Mate has just said, we do not yet have the implementing agreements, so it is very difficult to assess them.
Esto también es aplicable al señor Mate, que no ha sido capaz de aportar pruebas que respalden sus acusaciones a esta Cámara.
That is also valid for Mr Mate, who failed to produce the evidence supporting his accusations in this very House.
maté{noun} (infusion)
Señor Mate, estamos hablando de dieciocho meses -el período máximo de internamiento-, no de seis meses, como ha dicho.
Mr Mate, we are talking about 18 months - the maximum detention period - not 6 months, as you said.
Como acaba de decir el señor Mate, aún no disponemos de los acuerdos de aplicación, de modo que resulta difícil evaluarlos.
As Mr Mate has just said, we do not yet have the implementing agreements, so it is very difficult to assess them.
Esto también es aplicable al señor Mate, que no ha sido capaz de aportar pruebas que respalden sus acusaciones a esta Cámara.
That is also valid for Mr Mate, who failed to produce the evidence supporting his accusations in this very House.
dunk shot{noun} [sports] (basket)
mate burilado
engraved gourd
mate(also: coco)
bean{noun} [Amer.] (head)
mate(also: coco)
bonce{noun} [Brit.] [slg.]
mate(also: coco)
noggin{noun} [coll.] (head)
mate(also: coco)
nut{noun} [Brit.] [coll.] (head)
está mal del mate
he's not right in the head
mate{adjective masculine/feminine}
dull{adj.} (sound, colour)
matt{adj.} (sound, colour)
T TransparenteF HieloM MateP PulidoA Lacado pulidoV Lacado mateE Eco
T TransparentF FrostedM MattP PolishedA Varnished polishedV Varnished mattE Eco
F HieloM MateP PulidoT TransparenteA Lacado pulidoV Lacado mate
F FrostedM MattP PolishedT TransparentA Varnished polishedV Varnished matt
F HieloT TransparenteM MateP PulidoA Lacado pulidoV Lacado mate
F FrostedT TransparentM MattP PolishedA Varnished polishedV Varnished matt
Mateo{proper noun}
Matthew{pr.n.} [rel.]
Cuando Cristo afirmó -como escribe el evangelista Mateo- que el
When Christ stated - as the Evangelist Matthew writes - that man can remain
Quiero hacerles referencia al Evangelio según San Mateo, capítulo 22.
I refer you to the Gospel of St Matthew, Chapter 22.
(Mateo 16:26).
(Matthew 16:26).
flat{adj.} [Amer.] (matte)
T TransparenteF HieloM MateP PulidoA Lacado pulidoV Lacado mateE Eco
T TransparentF FrostedM MattP PolishedA Varnished polishedV Varnished mattE Eco
T TransparenteF HieloM MateP PulidoA Lacado pulidoV Lacado mateE EcoC Metal pulidoS Metal satinado
T TransparentF FrostedM MattP PolishedA Varnished polishedV Varnished mattE EcoC Chrome finish metalS Satin finish metal
Algunas personas prefieren la vista más brillante y similar al vidrio que ofrece una pantalla brillante, mientras que otras prefieren una vista color mate sin brillo.
Finally, there's the great matte vs. glossy debate—some people like the brighter, glass-like look of a glossy screen, while others appreciate matte's glare-free quality.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "mate":
Context examples for "matea" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
F HieloC Metal pulidoM MateA Lacado pulidoV Lacado mateS Metal satinadoP PulidoT Transparente
F FrostedC Chrome finish metalM MattA Varnished polishedV Varnished mattS Satin finish metalP PolishedT Transparent
F HieloT TransparenteM MateP PulidoV Lacado mateA Lacado pulidoR Suave al tactoC Metal pulidoS Metal satinado
F FrostedT TransparentM MattP PolishedV Varnished mattA Varnished polishedR Soft touchC Chrome finish metalS Satin finish metal