
"lo exagerado" in English

"lo exagerado" in English

Context examples for "lo exagerado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Quisiera recordar sin embargo que Talleyrand dijo que todo lo que es exagerado es insignificante.
I think it was Talleyrand who said that all that is exaggerated is insignificant.
Talleyrand dijo que lo exagerado resulta intrascendente.
Talleyrand once said that everything which is exaggerated is meaningless.
Talleyrand dijo que todo lo exagerado es insignificante.
Talleyrand stated that anything which is exaggerated is insignificant.
Talleyrand dijo que todo lo exagerado es insignificante.
Talleyrand said everything which is exaggerated is insignificant.
Se ha exagerado enormemente lo que se ha dicho.
There has been a great deal of exaggeration in what has been said.
Sin embargo, no puedo consolarme, con Talleyrand, con la idea de que todo lo que es exagerado es insignificante.
But unlike Talleyrand, I cannot console myself with the idea that what is exaggerated is by the same token insignificant.
Intencionadamente o no, muchos diputados a esta Asamblea lo han exagerado, porque no votaron a favor.
Whether wilfully or not, this has been blown out of some proportion by many in this House because they did not vote in favour of it.
Tras cubrir la totalidad de mis gastos, a mi me quedan en mano todos los meses doce mil ecus entre salario e indemnizaciones, lo cual me resulta exagerado.
I get, after paying all my expenses, ECU 12, 000 a month cash in hand salary and expenses, and that is much too much.
Señor Presidente, al votar en contra de la moción de censura he recordado que Talleyrand había dicho que todo lo que es exagerado es insignificante.
Mr President, I voted against the motion of censure, remembering that Talleyrand said that all that is exaggerated is insignificant.