
"to laze around" in Spanish

bartolear{v.i.} [Chile] [coll.]
gamberrear{v.i.} [Spa.] [coll.] (holgazanear)
lesear{v.i.} [Chile] [coll.] (perder el tiempo)
lochar{v.i.} [Col.] [coll.]
manganzonear{v.i.} [Ven.] [coll.]
mangonear{v.i.} [coll.] (holgazanear)
ociosear{v.i.} [Chile] [coll.]
pajarear{v.i.} [Mex.] [coll.] (perder el tiempo)

Context examples for "to laze around" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
to laze around
hacer fiaca
If you do not mind me saying, you are like a hard-working ant, who achieves results little by little while the grasshoppers chirrup and laze around in the Member States.
Permítame la licencia de decirle que parece una hormiguita laboriosa, que llega a los resultados poco a poco frente a las cigarras que cantan y ocian en los Estados miembros.