
"insurgent forces" in Spanish

"insurgent forces" in Spanish
insurgencia{f} (fuerzas)
The insurgent forces still have a chance of going down in Colombia's history as a factor in creating peace.
La insurgencia tiene todavía la oportunidad de pasar a la historia de Colombia como un factor de paz.

Context examples for "insurgent forces" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This tragic situation came about as a result of the armed conflict mainly between separatist insurgent forces in the north and the Sri Lankan army.
Esta trágica situación es el resultado del conflicto armado que mantienen principalmente el ejército de Sri Lanka y las fuerzas insurgentes del norte.
They are often connected with the illegal exploitation and plundering of raw materials either by insurgent forces or by regular troops and their leaders.
A menudo se encuentran conectados con la explotación ilegal y el saqueo de materias primas por parte de las fuerzas insurgentes o por tropas regulares y sus líderes.