
"inhabitable" in English

"inhabitable" in English
inhabitable{adjective masculine/feminine}
"inhabitable" in Spanish
to inhabit{transitive verb}
to inhabit{intransitive verb}
inhabitable{adjective masculine/feminine}
Sigue habiendo una extensa zona inhabitable y la gente ya no puede regresar a sus hogares.
There is still a large uninhabitable area, so that people can no longer return to their homes.
Una zona aproximadamente del tamaño de Gran Bretaña permanece contaminada y es inhabitable.
An area about the size of Britain is permanently contaminated and uninhabitable.
El Ártico no es inhabitable.
The Arctic is not uninhabitable.
unusable{adj.} (room)
habitable{adj. m/f}
It is our responsibility to prepare an inhabitable world for the generations to
Debemos preparar una tierra habitable para las
Reading of the heritage inhabitable space 2. Strategies of heritage conservation.
Lectura del espacio habitable patrimonial 2. Estrategias de conservación del patrimonio.
So let us act together and leave an inhabitable world for our children.
Seamos solidarios y dejemos un mundo habitable a nuestros hijos.
habitable{adj. m/f}
This is how Europe can be made safer and the natural environment more habitable.
De este modo, Europa será más segura y el medio natural más habitable.
Earning one’s living from agriculture has considerable importance for those regions, as there is a desire to keep the countryside alive and habitable.
Ganarse la vida con la agricultura tiene una considerable importancia para estas regiones pues allí existe un deseo de mantener el campo vivo y habitable.
We will need to drastically alter our economy if we are to keep the world and Europe habitable on a permanent basis.
Es necesario que se produzca un fuerte cambio en nuestra economía a fin de que el mundo y Europa se mantengan habitables de forma duradera.
They are collectively inhabited by many thousands of human beings.
Están pobladas por muchos miles de seres humanos.
The Assyrian community is descended from an ancient people who inhabited these lands and it is threatened with forced displacement.
La comunidad asiria desciende de un antiguo pueblo que habitó estas tierras y está amenazada de desplazamientos masivos.
A global quest, never before undertaken, trying to understand a bit more about the functioning of our oceans and the micro world inhabiting them.
Una búsqueda global jamás antes emprendida para tratar de entender mejor cómo funcionan nuestros océanos y el micromundo que les puebla.
The contempt with which our pleadings have met leads me to think that most of the rest of you must inhabit a different planet.
El desprecio con que se han topado nuestros ruegos me lleva a pensar que la mayoría de ustedes deben vivir en otro planeta.
Mr President, it may be a useful coincidence that I am speaking after Godfrey Bloom, who seems to inhabit somewhere deep within the 19th century.
Señor Presidente, podría ser una coincidencia útil que mi intervención se produzca justo después de la de Godfrey Bloom, que parece vivir en alguna oscura parte del siglo XIX.
to inhabit[inhabited · inhabited] {intransitive verb}
Mankind is destined to inhabit "new heavens and a new
El hombre ha sido destinado a habitar
They inhabit the Atlantic coast of Belize, Honduras and Nicaragua.
Habitan la Costa Atlántica de Belice, Guatemala, Honduras y Nicaragua.
After all we inhabit the same continent.
Después de todo, habitamos el mismo continente.
He translated the experience of his long life and the wisdom of a heart inhabited by the Holy Spirit into these immediate, terse teachings.
En esas enseñanzas rápidas y concisas traducía la experiencia de su larga vida y la sabiduría de un corazón en el que moraba el Espíritu Santo.

Synonyms (English) for "inhabitable":
Context examples for "inhabitable" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los refugiados no pueden retornar porque la zona sigue siendo inhabitable.
Refugees cannot return, because the area is no longer inhabitable.
, ¿tendrán un entorno inhabitable?
Will they have energy? Will they have an inhabitable environment?
Transcurridos quince años desde el desastre, gran parte de Belarús y Ucrania es todavía inhabitable para la gente que no quiere padecer cáncer.
Fifteen years after the disaster, a large area in Belarus and Ukraine is still not inhabitable for people who do not want to get cancer.
Una central nuclear requiere una cantidad de medidas de seguridad, y puede suceder que una zona entera quede inhabitable en caso de que se produzca un accidente.
A nuclear power station requires a range of security measures, and it is possible that a whole area may no longer be habitable if an accident occurs.