
"inadvertidamente" in English

"inadvertidamente" in English
inadvertida{adjective feminine}
. – Por error e inadvertidamente he pulsado la tecla equivocada de mi máquina de votar.
. – By mistake and inadvertently, I pressed the wrong button of my voting machine.
. – Por error e inadvertidamente he pulsado la tecla equivocada de mi máquina de votar.
. – By mistake and inadvertently, I pressed the wrong button of my voting machine.
Hasta cierto punto resulta irónico que al proteger las reservas pesqueras de una zona inadvertidamente estemos destruyendo las reservas de otra.
It is somewhat ironic that in protecting fish stocks in one area we are inadvertently destroying stocks in another area.
Yo me pregunto seriamente si la Unión Europea no ha subvencionado, inadvertidamente al parecer, parte de lo que de hecho viene a ser una importante base militar en las Hébridas Exteriores.
I seriously wonder whether in fact the European Union has, unwittingly it seems, partly subsidized what amounts to a major military base in the Outer Hebrides.
idly{adv.} (unconsciously)
unawares{adv.} [poet.] (without noticing)
. – Por error e inadvertidamente he pulsado la tecla equivocada de mi máquina de votar.
. – By mistake and inadvertently, I pressed the wrong button of my voting machine.
. – Por error e inadvertidamente he pulsado la tecla equivocada de mi máquina de votar.
. – By mistake and inadvertently, I pressed the wrong button of my voting machine.
inadvertida{adjective feminine}

Context examples for "inadvertidamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Se ha utilizado una hábil redacción para tratar de introducir inadvertidamente esta medida por la puerta de atrás.
Clever wording is being used to smuggle this measure in through the back door.
No veo por qué no se ha de celebrar un debate porque se haya pasado por alto inadvertidamente una solicitud.
I do not see why we cannot have a debate simply because a request was accidentally missed.
había admitido inadvertidamente su culpabilidad
she had made an inadvertent admission of guilt
Permítanme afirmar que no se trata de productos medicinales - esto se dice a menudo inadvertidamente - sino que se trata solamente de productos nuevos.
Allow me to make it clear that this is not about medicinal products - this is sometimes suggested subliminally - but solely about new products.