
"harassing" in Spanish

Whether you pay or not, they continue to harass and abuse people.
Se pague o no, ellos continúan acosando y abusando de las personas.
For example, you must not use the service to harm, threaten, or harass another person, organization, or Microsoft.
Por ejemplo, no debe utilizar el servicio para dañar, amenazar o acosar a otra persona, organización o Microsoft.
Don't threaten, harass, or bully other users.
No amenaces, acoses ni intimides a otros usuarios.
atosigar[atosigando · atosigado] {v.t.} (presionar)
Human rights are infringed on a daily basis, and the opposition is harassed and persecuted in an unacceptable way.
Diariamente se atropellan los derechos humanos y se persigue y atosiga de manera inaceptable a la oposición.
vejar[vejando · vejado] {v.t.} [Spa.] (acosar)
Members of the organisation are harassed and have been prevented from meeting, with disproportionate police action.
Los miembros de la organización han sido vejados y se les ha impedido reunirse, usando para ello fuerzas policiales desproporcionadas.
However, we see that the civilian population is being harassed time and time again.
No obstante, hemos de constatar que la población civil sigue siendo vejada.
During this seven-year period, he was mistreated, humiliated and harassed by his guards, during which time - we should not forget - there was nothing but silence from the international community.
En esos siete años fue maltratado, humillado, vejado por sus carceleros, en medio -hay que recordarlo- de un espeso silencio de la comunidad internacional.
Big business could also use these measures to harass weaker competitors such as small- and medium-sized enterprises, for example.
Estos procedimientos pueden ser utilizados asimismo por grandes empresas para hostigar a competidores más débiles (PYME, por ejemplo).
A whole nation is thus being harassed and criminalised and the EU has shown no sign of condemning this.
Se hostiga e incrimina al conjunto de un pueblo, sin que la UE manifieste su indignación.
This is just adding one more person to the list of those who are being harassed by the Belarusian Government.
Se trata sólo de añadir una persona más a la lista de quienes están siendo hostigados por el Gobierno belaruso.
to harass[harassed · harassed] {transitive verb}
Almost everywhere on the planet the Moslem world is feeling humiliated, harassed and besieged.
Casi en todo el planeta, el mundo musulmán se siente humillado, acosado, asediado.

Context examples for "harassing" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is not about limiting civil liberties or harassing consumers.
No consiste en limitar las libertades civiles o perjudicar a los consumidores.
As well, of course, as the tactic of intimidating and harassing numerous Syrian human rights activists.
Son ex diputados que se encuentran en malas condiciones físicas.
Secularism in Turkey means 130 000 state employees monitoring and harassing the non-Muslim minority.
En Turquía, el laicismo significa que 130 000 funcionarios estatales controlan a la minoría no musulmana y la martirizan.
a colleague who was sexually harassing her
un compañero que la acosaba sexualmente
Instead of harassing Father Cullen, the Filipino authorities should welcome the work that he has been doing in their country.
En vez de molestar al Padre Cullen, las autoridades filipinas deberían estar contentas de la labor que ha estado realizando en su país.
Mr President, I would ask you to bring this circus to an end now, whereby French Members are deliberately harassing Parliament in its work.
Señor Presidente, le ruego que interrumpa este circo ahora que se han impuesto conscientemente impedimentos franceses al trabajo del Parlamento.