
"half-heartedness" in Spanish

"half-heartedness" in Spanish

Similar translations for "half-heartedness" in Spanish
Context examples for "half-heartedness" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This half-heartedness can be avoided by prioritising the most harmful substances.
Esta ambigüedad puede prevenirse confiriendo un trato prioritario a las sustancias más dañinas.
I cannot accept either the indifference of some people, or the half-heartedness of this text.
No puedo aceptar ni la indiferencia de algunos, ni la tibieza de este texto.
I cannot accept either the indifference of some people, or the half-heartedness of this text.
Señor Baco, la comisión competente ha recomendado a la Cámara que rechace la iniciativa.
Others have said it before me: what we have here are fresh stirrings of political confrontation in the European Parliament, finally replacing half-heartedness and feeble consensus.
Los primeros ministros nombran a las personas que quieren o, a menudo, a aquellos de quienes quieren librarse, y esperan que lo aprobemos.
Others have said it before me: what we have here are fresh stirrings of political confrontation in the European Parliament, finally replacing half-heartedness and feeble consensus.
Ya lo han dicho otros antes que yo: se trata del despertar de la confrontación política en el Parlamento Europeo, en sustitución, al fin, de los paños calientes y el consenso mudo.