
"guest of honour" in Spanish

We should listen to our own Sakharov prize winners and take seriously the words of the Dalai Lama, who has been our guest of honour.
Deberíamos escuchar a los ganadores de nuestro propio premio Sajárov y tomar en serio las palabras del Dalai Lama, que ha sido nuestro invitado de honor.
No wonder that this year's guest of honour at the Cairo book fair, the Arab equivalent of the Frankfurt Buchmesse, was Roger Garaudy.
No es extraño, por lo tanto, que el invitado de honor de la Feria del libro del Cairo, el equivalente árabe de la Feria de libro de Frankfurt, fuera este año Roger Garaudy.
She was given no assistance in spite of the fact that both Mr di Pietro and the bodyguard knew that Mrs Baldi was there as a guest of honour from this institution.
Baldi estaba allí como invitada de honor de esta institución.