
"homenajeado" in English

En este momento, déjeme homenajear a dos organizaciones en particular.
At this stage, let me pay tribute to two organisations in particular.
. - (CS) Señorías, en primer lugar quiero homenajear el trabajo de los ponentes.
. - (CS) Ladies and gentlemen, first of all I should like to pay tribute to the work of the rapporteurs.
Raramente en este Parlamento hemos homenajeado la memoria de una personalidad ajena al mundo de la política.
In this Parliament we do not often pay tribute to the memory of a figure unconnected with the world of politics.
to honour {vb} [Brit.]
(EL) Señora Presidenta, hoy homenajeamos la lucha de las mujeres a lo largo del tiempo y los logros femeninos.
(EL) Madam President, today we are honouring the struggle by women through the ages and female achievements.
Sus nombres son William Meyer, Bernard Starie, Reginald Pike, Thomas Shaw, James McLeish, Archibald Barrowman y Albert Roberts. Todos serán homenajeados el sábado.
Their names were William Meyer, Bernard Starie, Reginald Pike, Thomas Shaw, James McLeish, Archibald Barrowman and Albert Roberts, who will all be honoured on Saturday.
Espero que las mujeres a las que homenajeamos el 8 de marzo con la campaña "Una flor para Kabul " puedan volver a sus trabajos como médicos, maestras, profesoras, ejecutivas.
I hope that the women whom we honoured on 8 March 1998 in our campaign "A flower for Kabul" will be able to return to their professions as doctors, teachers, professors and managers.
En consecuencia, señora Presidenta, sería justo que el Parlamento Europeo homenajeara la memoria de este hombre.
And so, Madam President, it is the duty of the European Parliament to pay homage to the memory of this man.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "homenajear":
Context examples for "homenajeado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No obstante, unos días después el señor Meles fue homenajeado en una cena de gala en Alemania.
Yet, a few days later MrMeles was officially wined and dined in Germany.