
"furtivamente" in English

"furtivamente" in English
furtively{adv.} (creep, slink)
shiftily{adv.} (shuffle, mutter)
furtiva{adjective feminine}
Esta no es una táctica nueva, pero no por ello resulta menos furtiva y reprensible.
This is not a new tactic, but it is no less furtive or reprehensible for that.
Sin embargo, se está convirtiendo en un hábito lamentable la introducción furtiva y ambigua de cuestiones decisivas bajo la cubierta de estas mismas cuestiones.
Nevertheless, the furtive and back-handed introduction of divisive issues under cover of these very topics is turning into a regrettable habit.
Sea claro y demuestre liderazgo, de lo contrario seguiremos atascados en una manera furtiva y escurridiza de hacer las cosas que difícilmente dará resultado.
Be clear and show leadership, otherwise we will remain stuck in this sneaky and slippery way of going about things, which is hardly effective.
[pues] Él es consciente de la mirada [más] furtiva, y de todo lo que ocultan los corazones.
He knows the stealthy looks and that which the breasts conceal.

Context examples for "furtivamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Estas son las únicas salvaguardias contra el clima de odio que está arraigando furtivamente en nuestros países.
These are the only safeguards against the hateful climate surreptitiously taking root in our own countries.
[de modo que los que intentan saber lo incognoscible] no podrán escuchar furtivamente a la alta asamblea, sino que serán repelidos por todos lados,
They cannot listen to the exalted assembly and they are thrown at from every side,
Con todo respeto, no estoy de acuerdo - mi país no está de acuerdo - con que furtivamente se erosione la situación actual.
With respect, I do not agree - my country does not agree - that by stealth the present position should be eroded.
a la que no alcanza la falsedad, ni abierta ni furtivamente, [por ser] revelación de Uno realmente sabio, digno de toda alabanza.
Falsehood shall not come to it from before it nor from behind it, a revelation from the Wise, the Owner of Praise.
Ello es esencial para avanzar en de las cuestiones de derechos humanos planteadas hoy, e incluso está ocurriendo casi furtivamente.
That is fundamental in moving forward in of the human rights questions raised today and it is even happening almost by stealth.
entró furtivamente en la habitación
he stole into the room
Sin embargo, se ha deslizado furtivamente una enmienda, que el pleno ha vuelto a votar para mantener las subvenciones agrícolas para el azúcar.
However, an amendment has crept in surreptitiously, upon which the plenary has yet again voted to maintain the agricultural subsidies for sugar.
Considero que acciones de este tipo son un intento escandaloso de introducir furtivamente en el marco de la Unión Europea conceptos ideológicos peligrosos.
I consider this type of action to be an outrageous attempt to covertly impose dangerous ideological notions in the framework of the European Union.
Seguiré haciéndolo porque me parece un precedente peligroso, que abre furtivamente la puerta a una Europea de las regiones, cosa que rechazo de plano.
I shall continue to do so because I see this as a dangerous precedent, opening the door to a Europe of the regions by stealth - something I totally reject.