
"frente a frente" in English

cuando estuvimos frente a frente no supimos qué decir
when we met face to face we didn't know what to say to each other
frente a frente
face to face
Asimismo, esta situación nos obliga, debería obligarnos sobre todo a mirar frente a frente la realidad de nuestro fracaso, mirarlo de frente e interrogarnos sobre su causa.
It also makes it necessary for us, and this should be a matter of priority, to come face to face with the reality of our failure and to ask ourselves what is the cause of it.

Similar translations for "frente a frente" in English
Context examples for "frente a frente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La cuestión realmente no es si nos hallamos frente a frente con los egoísmos nacionales.
The question is not really whether we are faced with national egos.
Nosotros, a quienes nos tiene frente a frente, somos los diputados de los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea.
We - the people looking at you - are the European Union's elected representatives.
Les hablamos abiertamente, frente a frente, lo hacemos en reiteradas oportunidades y lo seguiremos haciendo.
We say it openly and to their faces and we say it repeatedly and shall go on saying it.
cuando estuvimos frente a frente no supimos qué decir
when we met face to face we didn't know what to say to each other
El hecho es que ahí están frente a frente dos enemigos ninguno de los cuales quiere la paz.
The fact is that we have a confrontation there between two adversaries, neither of whom has any desire for peace.
Ahora bien, la proporcionalidad sitúa frente a frente la columna de «vidas salvadas» y la del número de productos vendidos.
Proportionality, however, balances the ‘lives saved’ column against the ‘sales volume’ column.
le dije frente a frente lo que pensaba de él
I told him to his face what I thought of him
los niños formaron dos filas frente a frente
the children lined up facing each other
frente a frente
face to face
Aelvoet que aunque estemos frente a frente, apruebo enteramente su propuesta de devolución a la comisión.
I should like to say to Mrs Aelvoet that, despite the fact that we are on opposite sides of the House, I fully support her proposal for referral back to committee.
En efecto, el poder ruso pone frente a frente, desde 1992, la legitimidad del Presidente y la de la Duma, resultantes ambas del sufragio universal.
Since 1992, power in Russia has been in the hands of two opposing legal rulers: the President and the Duma, both of which are elected by universal suffrage.
En el Tratado de Amsterdam nos vemos frente a frente con propuestas de la Comisión que no suponen aumentar la transparencia sino más bien limitarla.
Under the Amsterdam Treaty, we are now contending with Commission proposals which do not mean a greater degree of openness, but perhaps if anything less openness.
Asimismo, esta situación nos obliga, debería obligarnos sobre todo a mirar frente a frente la realidad de nuestro fracaso, mirarlo de frente e interrogarnos sobre su causa.
It also makes it necessary for us, and this should be a matter of priority, to come face to face with the reality of our failure and to ask ourselves what is the cause of it.
En consecuencia, debemos promover la cooperación entre los puertos pequeños y grandes que se sitúan frente a frente en la misma cuenca marina y que pueden facilitar un comercio más fluido.
As a result, we must encourage cooperation between small and large ports that face one another in the same sea basin and which can facilitate more fluid trade.