
"extremado" in English

"extremado" in English
extreme{adj.} (very great)
extreme{adj.} (not moderate)

Context examples for "extremado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los ánimos se han extremado y hemos visto a la gente manifestándose en la calle en contra de esta decisión.
The mood has become more heated and we have seen people protesting against this decision in the streets.
se habían extremado las medidas de seguridad
tight security was in force
El peligro es extremado.
It is extremely dangerous.
Las perspectivas financieras se examinarán con extremado escepticismo y la legislación (tras la primera lectura) se recibirá con fuertes protestas.
Financial perspectives will be examined extremely sceptically and legislation (after first reading) will meet with strong protest.
Una estrategia humanitaria visible es una prioridad absoluta para que el pueblo afgano pueda luchar contra el invierno extremado que se avecina.
A visible humanitarian strategy must be an absolute priority if the Afghan people are going to be able to live through a very cold winter.