
"custom house" in Spanish

"custom house" in Spanish

Context examples for "custom house" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It has previously been the custom of this House that rapporteurs present the positions of their committees.
Hasta ahora era costumbre en esta Cámara que los ponentes presentaran las posiciones de sus comisiones.
This is the custom in the House, it is common law.
Esta es la costumbre de la casa, es derecho consuetudinario.
This is the custom in the House, it is common law.
Por eso está hablando tanto tiempo.
Mr President, it has become a custom in this House for us to talk about equality between men and women during night sessions.
Señor Presidente, ya es una costumbre que en este Parlamento hablemos de igualdad entre hombres y mujeres en las sesiones nocturnas.
Mr President, it has become a custom in this House for us to talk about equality between men and women during night sessions.
La política de igualdad entre hombres y mujeres es una de las mejores aliadas en el compromiso de la Unión Europea de lucha contra la pobreza.
I would remind our visitors in the public gallery that it is not the custom in the House to respond in that manner to speeches.
Quisiera recordar a nuestros visitantes en la galería del público que no es costumbre en esta Asamblea responder de ese modo a las intervenciones.
It has in fact always been the custom of this House to vote between noon and 1.30 p.m., because we do of course have a lot of lunchtime commitments and we end up keeping our guests waiting.
Siempre ha sido habitual en esta Cámara votar entre las 12.00 y las 13.30 horas, porque todos tenemos muchos compromisos para la hora de la comida y siempre hacemos esperar a nuestros invitados.