
"to chip away" in Spanish


Context examples for "to chip away" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We should not chip away at the budget, but what we need to do is allocate more resources where cooperation goes hand in hand with added value.
No debemos debilitar el presupuesto, sino asignar más recursos allí donde la cooperación produzca valor añadido.
There is a need to recapture the spirit that inspired MrHerzog’s initial report before the committee began to chip away some of its substance.
Hay que recuperar el espíritu que inspiró el informe inicial del Sr. Herzog, antes de que la comisión fuera carcomiendo su sustancia.
There is a need to recapture the spirit that inspired Mr Herzog ’ s initial report before the committee began to chip away some of its substance.
Hay que recuperar el espíritu que inspiró el informe inicial del Sr. Herzog, antes de que la comisión fuera carcomiendo su sustancia.
We must stop setting one social model up against another - models that systematically chip away at the social achievements of several generations.
Hemos de dejar de contraponer un modelo social a otro, modelos que sistemáticamente merman las conquistas sociales de varias generaciones.
The heads of government themselves, under the leadership of President Chirac, who were here this morning, could chip in straight away.
Los propios dirigentes gubernamentales que estaban aquí esta mañana, bajo la dirección del presidente Chirac, pueden aportar su granito de arena ahora mismo.