
"to be blinded" in Spanish

"to be blinded" in Spanish

Context examples for "to be blinded" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Madam President we must not let ourselves be blinded by the dogma of the market.
Señora Presidenta, no debemos dejarnos cegar por el dogma del mercado.
Randomised trials were categorized as A (double or single blinded) or B (not blinded).
Los ensayos aleatorios se clasificaron como A (doble o simple ciego) o B (sin cegamiento).
Do we really want to be blinded by the interests of self-seeking researchers?
¿Vamos a dejarnos cegar por el interés egoísta de investigadores?
Anyone who cannot see this has been blinded and deafened by political correctness.
Los que no ven esto es porque se han visto cegados y ensordecidos por lo políticamente correcto.
Let us not allow ourselves to be blinded by our ideological preferences.
No nos dejemos cegar por nuestras preferencias ideológicas.
I ask people on that side of the House not to be blinded by their own dogmatism either.
Yo también pido a los diputados de ese lado de la Cámara que no se dejen cegar por su propio dogmatismo.
One of the assessors of methodological quality was blinded to authors, dates and journals.
Uno de los evaluadores de calidad metodológica estuvo cegado a los autores, las fechas y las revistas.
The reviewers were not blinded to the identity of the studies.
Los revisores no estaban cegados a la identidad de los estudios.
Let us not be blinded by the charm offensive on the part of Turkey.
Que no nos ciegue la encantadora ofensiva de Turquía.
We should not be blinded by the percentage figures of community law transposed into national legislation.
No nos podemos dejar cegar por los porcentajes de derecho comunitario recogidos en la legislación nacional.
There was considerable heterogeneity in the analyses and only one study was adequately blinded.
Se identificaron 11 estudios (1148 niños).
All trials except one were double-blinded.
Todos los ensayos, excepto uno, se describieron como doble ciego.
We extracted the data independently and were not blinded to trial characteristics or outcomes.
Se obtuvieron los datos de forma independiente y no hubo cegamiento a las características del ensayo o a los resultados.
Blinded by their utopian dreams from a bygone era, the federalists fail completely to look at their own record.
Sin embargo, cegados por utopías de otra época, los federalistas no se replantean su postura en absoluto.
These it is whom Allah has cursed so He has made them deaf and blinded their eyes.
¡Estos son aquellos a los que Dios rechaza, y a los que hace sordos [a la voz de la verdad], y cuyos ojos ciega [para que no la vean]!
All of them were more or less blinded, the opposition politicians no less than some members of the government.
Todos estaban allí más o menos cegados, los políticos de la oposición no menos que algunos miembros del Gobierno.
This was the work of a handful of blinded ideologists who refused to recognise the reality of the totally failed multi-cultural model.
Asimismo, la soberanía de nuestros Estados miembros ha salido muy mal parada en este informe.
The crisis will make no difference: Europe is blinded by its dogmatism and deaf to its citizens' demands.
La crisis no marcará la diferencia, pues Europa está cegada por su dogmatismo y la sordera a las exigencias de sus ciudadanos.
We extracted the data independently and were not blinded to trial characteristics or outcomes.
Los datos se extrajeron de forma independiente y los revisores no estuvieron cegados a las características o los resultados de los ensayos.
'How we were all blinded by the golden calf'.
"El becerro de oro nos cegó a todos".