
"smoked fish" in Spanish

"smoked fish" in English

Context examples for "smoked fish" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Let us hope that, in the future, intelligent packaging will be developed that shows, for example, how smoked fish has been treated and whether it has been treated properly.
Se aprobarán más reglamentaciones relativas a la trazabilidad, soportadas por la legislación previamente aprobada y coherentes con ella.
Let us hope that, in the future, intelligent packaging will be developed that shows, for example, how smoked fish has been treated and whether it has been treated properly.
Esperemos que, en el futuro, el envasado inteligente evolucione para mostrar, por ejemplo, qué tratamiento ha recibido el pescado ahumado y si dicho tratamiento ha sido el adecuado.