
"sintonizar con" in English

"sintonizar con" in English
sintonizar con{intransitive verb}
to relate to{vb} (interact with, empathize with)
sintonizar con{intransitive verb}
to tune in to{v.i.} [fig.]
sintonizar con la manera de pensar de algn
to tune in to sb's way of thinking
sintonizar con una emisora
to tune in to a station
sintonizar con algo
to tune in to sth

Similar translations for "sintonizar con" in English
Context examples for "sintonizar con" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En este aspecto debemos sintonizar con el sector de la construcción naval.
We must take this up with the shipbuilding sector.
sintonizar con la manera de pensar de algn
to tune in to sb's way of thinking
En todos estos ámbitos considero muy importante sintonizar con los organismos internacionales de normalización, como la ISO y la CEI.
In all these fields I consider attuning with the international standardisation bodies such as the ISO and IEC of great importance.
sintonizar con una emisora
to tune in to a station
sintonizar con algo
to tune in to sth
Su conversión fue abrir y sintonizar su deseo con el deseo de Dios, abrirse a Dios y abrazar a todos hermanos, y a toda la creación como hermana.
His conversion opened and tuned his desire with the desire of God, opened himself to God and made him embrace all the brothers and creation as a sister.
Hago estos comentarios en respuesta al informe Cottigny sobre reestructuración y empleo, que peca precisamente de no sintonizar con la realidad.
I make these remarks in response to the Cottigny report on restructuring and employment, which falls down precisely because it is out of tune with reality.