
"sin pensarlo" in English

"sin pensarlo" in English

Similar translations for "sin pensarlo" in English
Context examples for "sin pensarlo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
¿Qué clase de derechos son estos que se deniegan sin pensarlo dos veces en nombre de la solidaridad?
What kind of rights are these, when they are rejected out of hand in the name of solidarity?
Sin pensarlo, saqué mi cartera, puse el dinero sobre el mostrador y compré el ejemplar.
Before you could say "knife" I had opened my wallet, put my money on the table and had a copy of the book.
Europa ha generado desempleo, precariedad y pobreza al abrir sus fronteras sin pensarlo dos veces.
Europe has created unemployment, insecurity and poverty by thoughtlessly opening up its borders.
El dividendo de seguridad que podría obtener Europa de este modo es algo que no podemos arriesgar sin pensarlo seriamente.
The security dividend that could thereby accrue to Europe is not something we can risk without serious thought.
Si empezamos a abandonar a estas personas a su suerte, sin pensarlo dos veces, entonces tendrá lugar la destrucción de la Unión Europea.
– Mr President, I wish to refer to the report by Mr Marques, whom I warmly congratulate on the work he has done.
sin pensarlo, salí corriendo tras ella
on impulse, I ran after her
Si empezamos a abandonar a estas personas a su suerte, sin pensarlo dos veces, entonces tendrá lugar la destrucción de la Unión Europea.
If we start to abandon these people to their fate without a second thought, then the destruction of the European Union will come about.
Nada de todo esto se ha hecho sin pensarlo, y hubo razones concretas por las que había que garantizar la seguridad en esas condiciones.
None of this was done on the spur of the moment, and there were concrete reasons why security under these conditions had to be guaranteed.
Estoy de acuerdo con él, también porque, sin necesidad de pensarlo mucho, tuve la impresión de que si no hubiera votado a favor, me habrían caído 636 vasos en la cabeza.
I agree with him for, apart from anything else, it is not difficult to realise that if I had not voted for the motion 636 glasses would have been smashed over my head.