
"sin motivación" in English

"sin motivación" in English

Similar translations for "sin motivación" in English
Context examples for "sin motivación" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Sin su energía y motivación no viviríamos en la esfera de paz y estabilidad que tomamos por descontada.
Without their energy and motivation we would not be living in the sphere of peace and stability that we take for granted.
Ganan poco, trabajan de forma mecánica a un ritmo embrutecedor, sin motivación alguna de mejora profesional y en condiciones laborales desfavorables.
They earn little, they work mechanically in a stupefying rhythm, without any motivation for professional growth, and they work under unfavourable conditions.
Pero no podemos aprobar, sin embargo, la motivación de estas medidas consistente en crear 1.254 puestos suplementarios sin incurrir en gastos adicionales.
But at the same time we cannot endorse the justification for these measures, namely to create an additional 1254 posts without incurring any additional expenditure.
También quisiera darles las gracias formalmente al Gobierno cubano y a su pueblo por haber prestado su apoyo sin una motivación ulterior.
I would like here also to formally thank the Cuban State and people for their help in providing effective support, without any ulterior motive and with results that speak for themselves.