
"self-confessed" in Spanish

"self-confessed" in Spanish
he's a self-confessed admirer of …
es un admirador confeso de …
a self-confessed Marxist
un marxista confeso

Context examples for "self-confessed" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
he's a self-confessed admirer of …
es un admirador confeso de …
he's a self-confessed admirer of …
se confiesa admirador de …
a self-confessed Marxist
un marxista confeso
Astonishingly, the self-confessed perpetrator of this crime, Shamil Basayev, was appointed deputy prime minister of the so-called Chechen government-in-exile on 25 August.
Este hombre es un criminal de guerra buscado y mantiene una vinculación estrecha con grupos terroristas islámicos como Al Qaeda.
I must, however, express some reservations about the self-confessed goal of this report through the creation of a European area of higher education.
Sin embargo, debo expresar algunas reservas sobre la meta confesada de este informe a través de la creación del Espacio europeo de la enseñanza superior.
Astonishingly, the self-confessed perpetrator of this crime, Shamil Basayev, was appointed deputy prime minister of the so-called Chechen government-in-exile on 25 August.
Sorprendentemente, el autor autoinculpado de este crimen, Shamil Basáyev, ha sido nombrado el 25 de agosto Viceprimer Ministro del denominado Gobierno checheno en el exilio.