
"confeso" in English

"confeso" in English
converted Jew{noun} [hist.]
es un admirador confeso de …
he's a self-confessed admirer of …
un marxista confeso
a self-confessed Marxist
confessed{adj.} [law]
Luego fue arrestado y confesó ser el autor de nueve asesinatos a ambos lados de la frontera franco-belga.
He was then arrested and confessed to nine murders on both sides of the Franco-Belgian border.
confesó presionado por la policía
he confessed under pressure from the police
confesó haber cometido cinco asesinatos
he confessed to five murders
converted{adj.} [hist.]

Context examples for "confeso" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Luego fue arrestado y confesó ser el autor de nueve asesinatos a ambos lados de la frontera franco-belga.
He was then arrested and confessed to nine murders on both sides of the Franco-Belgian border.
De este modo confesó y proclamó ser el que «
Christ with the Holy Spirit, a union of which he is perfectly aware, is
confesó presionado por la policía
he confessed under pressure from the police
confesó modestamente no recordarlo
he humbly admitted not remembering it
confesó haber cometido cinco asesinatos
he confessed to five murders
le confesó abiertamente su amor
he openly confessed his love to her
me confesó que no era libre
he admitted that he wasn't a free man
es un admirador confeso de …
he's a self-confessed admirer of …
confesó bajo coacción
he was pressured into making a confession
se confesó culpable del delito
he pleaded guilty to the crime
confesó bajo coacción
he was coerced into making a confession
confesó bajo coacción
he confessed under duress
La Justicia alemana ya ha condenado a un ex alto cargo de esta empresa, que confesó que también existen estas "cajas negras" en Grecia.
The German courts have already convicted a former senior executive of the company, who has admitted that slush funds also existed in Greece.
un confeso de asesinato
a confessed murderer
lo confesó todo
he made a clean breast of it
un marxista confeso
a self-confessed Marxist
Pediríamos la moratoria, aunque el condenado fuese un reo confeso; con mayor motivo lo hacemos cuando puede existir una duda razonable de su culpabilidad.
We would ask for this moratorium even if the person were a confessed criminal and there is all the more reason for us to do it when there may be reasonable doubt about their guilt.
Cuando la defensa presentó nuevas pruebas, las autoridades búlgaras hicieron caso omiso de ellas; cuando otro hombre de Liverpool confesó la autoría del delito, los búlgaros lo desecharon.
When new defence evidence came forward, it was ignored by the Bulgarian authorities; when another Liverpool man confessed to the crime, it was disregarded by the Bulgarians.