
"securities commission" in Spanish

"securities commission" in English

Context examples for "securities commission" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is important to have a European Securities Commission and to maintain the stability pact.
Es importante que una Comisión del Mercado de Valores europea preserve el pacto de estabilidad.
I do not see that the Securities and Exchange Commission has done any harm in the United States.
No veo que la Securities and Exchange Commission haya hecho ningún daño en los Estados Unidos.
US Securities and Exchange Commission
Comision de Bolsa y Valores de Estados Unidos
securities and exchange commission
Securities and Exchange Commission
securities and exchange commission
Comisión de Bolsa y Valores
It is interesting that the Securities and Exchange Commission has recently expressed interest in making contact with the CSR on this matter.
Es interesante que la Comisión del Mercado de Valores de los Estados Unidos haya expresado recientemente su interés en contactar con el CEV sobre este asunto.
For the moment, however, the American Securities and Exchange Commission is silent on the subject, despite calls for changes from Congress.
Sin embargo, de momento, la Comisión del Mercado de Valores norteamericana no se ha pronunciado sobre el tema, a pesar de las peticiones de cambio formuladas en el Congreso.
I would be delighted if we were now to make it clear to the US that the SEC - the Securities and Exchange Commission - should put its own house in order for once.
Estaría encantado si ahora dejásemos claro a los EEUU que la SEC, la Comisión de Valores y Cambios estadounidense, debería poner orden en su propia casa de una vez.
That is the only way that we can prevent the US Securities and Exchange Commission regulations and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act being implemented in Europe via the back door.
Es la única manera de evitar que se acaben aplicando en Europa por la puerta trasera las normas de la US Securities and Exchange Commission y la Ley Sarbanes-Oxley.
In the United States, a debate has been taking place in the wake of the Enron affair on the need to increase the resources allocated to the Securities and Exchange Commission.
En los Estados Unidos tiene lugar un debate sobre el refuerzo de los medios financieros de que dispone la Securities and Exchange Commission tras el caso Enron.
I myself will be visiting Washington in a few weeks' time and I intend to discuss these matters with the chairman or acting chairman of the securities exchange commission.
Yo mismo visitaré Washington dentro de unas pocas semanas y pretendo discutir estas cuestiones con el presidente en funciones de la comisión del mercado de valores.
To interest big institutional investors we need the highest standards of regulation, perhaps a European Securities and Exchange Commission.
Para atraer el interés de los grandes inversores institucionales, deberán establecerse y respetarse los niveles de regulación más altos posible, quizá una Comisión Europea de Operaciones de Bolsa.
I myself will be visiting Washington in a few weeks ' time and I intend to discuss these matters with the chairman or acting chairman of the securities exchange commission.
Yo mismo visitaré Washington dentro de unas pocas semanas y pretendo discutir estas cuestiones con el presidente en funciones de la comisión del mercado de valores.
The decision by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to accept the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) was a historic step forward.
La decisión de la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) de los Estados Unidos de aceptar las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (NIIF) representó un avance histórico.
I also wish the Commissioner the best of luck on his forthcoming trip to America and his talks with the Securities and Exchange Commission on how the Americans use IASs.
Deseo también mucha suerte al Comisario cuando viaje ahora a América y celebre conversaciones con la Securities and Exchange Commission sobre la manera en que los americanos se comportan con la NIC.
That being so, we also have to consider the fact that all these rating agencies possess a quality mark – an American one awarded by theSecurities and Exchange Commission.
Ante esto, debemos considerar el hecho de que todas estas agencias de calificación poseen una marca de calidad, que es norteamericana y otorgada por la Comisión del Mercado de Valores norteamericana.