
"responsibility" in Spanish

This is the European Union's great responsibility, and indeed our responsibility.
Esta es la gran responsabilidad de la Unión Europea; nuestra responsabilidad.
Crisis of responsibility: nobody is taking responsibility for the tragedy.
Crisis de responsabilidad: nadie asume responsabilidades, nadie para la tragedia.
The responsibility of the few must now become the responsibility of all.
La responsabilidad de unos pocos debe convertirse ahora en la responsabilidad de todos.
This is the European Union's great responsibility, and indeed our responsibility.
Esta es la gran responsabilidad de la Unión Europea; nuestra responsabilidad.
It is a responsibility of the present Commission: it is your responsibility.
Es responsabilidad de esta Comisión y responsabilidad suya.
The responsibility of the few must now become the responsibility of all.
La responsabilidad de unos pocos debe convertirse ahora en la responsabilidad de todos.
Al-Qaeda has proudly claimed responsibility for this deed.
Al Qaeda ha asumido con orgullo la autoría de la hazaña.
no organization has claimed responsibility for the attack
ninguna organización se ha atribuido la autoría del atentado
they claimed responsibility for the attack
se atribuyeron la autoría del atentado
After all, we have the responsibility to monitor air traffic security.
A la postre, la responsabilidad de controlar la seguridad del tráfico aéreo es incumbencia de todos.
The Intergovernmental Conference is the responsibility of Commissioner Oreja.
La Conferencia Intergubernamental es de la incumbencia del Comisario Oreja.
Responsibility for a policy of this kind also lies with our own institution.
La responsabilidad por una política de este tipo es también de la incumbencia de nuestra Institución.
resorte{m} [Arg.] (responsabilidad)

Synonyms (English) for "responsibility":
Context examples for "responsibility" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Secondly, we have appointed people with responsibility at the national level.
En segundo lugar, hemos designado a personas con competencias a escala nacional.
Every party involved in marine transport must be made to accept responsibility.
Todas las partes implicadas en el transporte marítimo deben responsabilizarse.
Immigration policy is and must remain the responsibility of each Member State.
La política de inmigración es competencia de cada Estado y ha de seguir siéndolo.
Unfortunately, an incident occurred for which Mr Posselt bore no responsibility.
Lamentablemente, ha habido un imprevisto del que el señor Posselt no es responsable.
The aim must not be to help the people but to make them take responsibility.
El objetivo no ha de ser el de asistir a los ciudadanos sino responsabilizarlos.
However, these articles do not confer this responsibility for combating racism.
Pero estos artículos no confieren esta competencia para la lucha contra el racismo.
We also have a responsibility for how the rest of the world imitates our practices.
También somos responsables de cómo el resto del mundo imita nuestras prácticas.
It has to be said quite plainly: someone has to take serious responsibility for that!
Hay que decirlo claramente: alguien tiene que responsabilizarse en serio de eso.
This aspect is fundamental and Parliament must again take responsibility for it.
Este aspecto es fundamental y el Parlamento debe responsabilizarse también del mismo.
This decision is the sole responsibility of the French and Italian authorities.
La decisión es de la competencia exclusiva de las autoridades francesas e italianas.
village of Catholics, with responsibility for various pastoral activities, or to
una aldea de cristianos con el cometido de seguir las distintas actividades
Finally, the reorganization of work, which is a responsibility of the Member States.
Por último, la reorganización del trabajo, que depende de los Estados miembros.
It is, however, the Member States which bear the primary responsibility here.
No obstante, son los Estados miembros los principales responsables en este sentido.
The EU must be proactive and not simply place the responsibility on Croatia.
La Unión Europea debe ser proactiva y no responsabilizar únicamente a Croacia.
This is a question which is the responsibility of each of the Member States.
Es una cuestión que depende de la competencia de cada uno de los Estados miembros.
Surely we have a responsibility to our consumers to ensure that this is the case.
Sin duda somos responsables ante nuestros consumidores de asegurar que ese es el caso.
The Commission, the Council, and Parliament have a great responsibility in this regard.
La Comisión, el Consejo y el Parlamento son responsables en gran medida de ello.
We must recognise quite clearly that we have a very substantial responsibility here.
Hemos de reconocer sin ambages que somos responsables en gran medida de ello.
The family also bears responsibility for passing on decent values to children.
Es importante la capacidad de la familia para transmitir valores sanos a los jóvenes.
European tourists bear a considerable part of the responsibility for this situation.
Los turistas europeos tienen una considerable participación en este fenómeno.