
"rear-view mirror" in Spanish

"rear-view mirror" in Spanish

Context examples for "rear-view mirror" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Acceptance of its migration across the Atlantic or, even worse, its disappearance, is like looking at the future through a rear-view mirror.
Aceptar su migración al otro lado del Atlántico o, peor aún, su desaparición, es mirar al futuro por un retrovisor.
If systemic risk is to be truly dealt with, we need to stop looking in the rear-view mirror and start focusing on the road ahead.
Si se va a abordar de verdad el riesgo sistémico, tenemos que dejar de mirar por el retrovisor y empezar a centrarnos en la carretera que tenemos por delante.
When a lorry fills your rear-view mirror, are you going to wonder whether that driver is employed and rested, or self-employed and potentially tired and dangerous?
Cuando un camión aparece en el retrovisor de nuestro coche, ¿nos preguntaremos si su conductor es asalariado y estará descansado o si es autónomo y podría estar cansado y ser peligroso?