
"printing works" in Spanish

"printing works" in English

Context examples for "printing works" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Is it a wise decision to have the banknotes printed by ten printing works?
¿Es una decisión acertada que los billetes de banco se impriman en diez países?
Publishers and printing works use paper and other forest industry products, but many of them see themselves mainly as content producers.
Las editoriales y las imprentas consumen papel y otros productos madereros, pero muchas de ellas se consideran, ante todo, productoras de contenidos.
To enable euro banknote production to proceed smoothly prototypes were manufactured by eight different paper mills and ten different printing works in 1997.
Para hacer posible la buena marcha de la producción de billetes de banco en euros, ocho diferentes molinos de papel y diez diferentes imprentas manufacturaron prototipos en 1997.
This project revealed that all the participating printing works should be able to produce all the euro banknote denominations, achieving uniform standard of quality and appearance.
Este proyecto reveló que todas las imprentas participantes deberían poder producir billetes de banco en euros de todas las denominaciones y alcanzar un nivel uniforme de calidad y presentación.